Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a kind of socioemotional intelligence. Individuals with more EI are more flexible, adaptable and resilient when navigating challenging situations. Complete the module to learn EI skills and how to utilize EI to renew your mind. The module will introduce EI skills that can be developed with learning and practice. Emotional Intelligence can be practiced in brief moments throughout the day, from navigating personal decisions, to interactions with others.

There is evidence that practicing Emotional Intelligence promotes well-being, psychological empowerment, intra-/interpersonal skills, adaptability, general mood and quality of patient care. Practicing Emotional Intelligence decreases stress, symptoms of anxiety and symptoms of depression. 


Up to 1 hour

  • 15-45 minutes review content
  • 15-45 minutes practice activities

Clinical Health Professionals Module

Module Outline

  • EI Scenario
  • EI Definition
  • Evidence for EI
  • Articles on EI
  • Mechanisms for EI
  • EI Scenario Continued
  • EI Factors & Practice Activities

Non-Clinical Health Professionals Module

Module Outline

  • EI Scenario
  • EI Definition
  • Importance of EI for Health Promotion
  • EI Scenario Continued
  • EI Factors & Practice Activities