Why choose RenewU? What is different about this program?

  • The selection of interventions to include in the program were based on levels of certainty as described by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org). The high level of certainty came from articles (for example meta-analyses and systematic reviews) for which future studies are unlikely to affect the concluded effectiveness of the intervention. The moderate level of certainty came from articles (other reviews, experimental-controlled studies) for which future studies may affect the concluded effectiveness of the intervention. The low level of certainty came from interventions for which more data is needed to make an informed decision. Through review of more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles, the investigators’ team selected 10 interventions with high or moderate levels of certainty to serve as the foundation for the resiliency training program. 
  • It’s free!   
  • The 10 evidence-based interventions were selected by a multidisciplinary team of content experts. 
  • Self-care is important and will allow you to better care for your patients.